Written by : Gautam , Galgotias university , 3rd year(5th semester), Law Student
What Is Copyright?
Copyright is the legal ownership of intellectual property such as original works of Fiction and non- fiction and conveys the right to control its reproduction and Distribution. In other words, copyright is the right to copy. Only the creator of the Work can authority anyone to reproduce the work.
Copyright law gives creators of original material the exclusive right to use and Duplicate that material for a given amount of time. Once a copyright expires, the Copyrighted item enters the public domain.
Key Takeaways
Copyright law protracts creators of original material from unauthorized duplication, Distribution, or other use. For an original work to be protected by copyright law, it Must be in tangible form.
U.S. copyright laws usually protect the creator's work until 70 years after death, Allowing the creator to pass on the copyright to heirs.
A copyright is a protection for the creators of original work, similar to trademark And patent.
How copyright works intellectual property is loosely defined as an original or Unique product that required signifiucent mental activity to create. Intellectual property can be copyrighted to protect it from misuse or unauthorized Distribution
Example of unique creation include:
Art Poetry
Musical lyrics and compositions Computer software
Graphic designs
Architectural designs Website content
The copyright to your original work belongs to you even if you don't register it With the government. However, you will need a register copyright if you are Bringing legal action for infringement.
Work that is copyrighted work must be available in physical form for it to be Protect ideas, discoveries, conepts, or theories although other forms of Protection such as patent and trademarks exist for those products. Brand
Names and titles cannot be protected under copyright law.
For an original work to be copyrighted, it must be in tangible form.
1: this means that any speech, discoveries, musical score, or ideas have to be written Down in physical form to qualify for copyright protection.
2: in the united state, original owner is protected by copyright law for life plus 70 years Thear death.
3: the original author of the copyrighted material is a corporation period 95 years from The date of publication or 120 years, whichever expire first.
4: U.S. copyright law has undergone amendments and changes that have altered that During of copyright protection. The life of the author plus 70 years. Protection date to 1998 copyright extension Act, (also known as mickey mouse proception Act or Sonny Bano Act), which generally increased copyright protection by 20 years.
Who is the copyright owner?
Everyone is copyright owner. Once you create an original work and fix it, like taking a Photograph writing a poem or blog or recording a new song you are the author and Owner.
Companies organizations and other people beside the works creator can also be Copyright owner.
Copyright law allows ownership through "works made for hire," which establishes that works created by an employee within the scope of employment are owned by the employer.
The work made for hire doctrine also applies to certain independent contractor relationships, for certain types of commissioned works.
Copyright ownership can also come from contracts like assignments or from other types of transfers like wills and bequests.
What rights does copyright provide?
U.S. copyright law provides copyright owners with the following exclusive rights
Reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords. Prepare derivative works based upon the work.
Distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease, or lending.
Perform the work publicly if it is a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographic work; a pantomime; or a motion picture or other audiovisual work.
Display the work publicly if it is a literary, musical, dramatic, or choreographic work; a pantomime; or a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work. This right also applies to the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work.
Perform the work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission if the work is a sound recording.
Copyright also provides the owner of copyright the right to authorize others to exercise these exclusive rights, subject to certain statutory limitations